Friday, February 19, 2016

One Year Older! One Year Wiser?

"I want to be 90 and wise AF but look young and hot." -LO

On Sunday, I turned 31 years old. 😲 (Yes, my birthday was, is, and always will be on Valentine's Day.)

When I turned 30 last year, I didn't expect to be hit by that cliche realization that I needed to take better care of myself. But it did hit me.

For the past year plus, I've been attempting to get myself in better health and just take better care of myself. I can't say that most of it comes from being more mindful and conscientious. Honestly, I just want to look good.

Does that make me shallow? I don't care.

I've been obsessed with skin care. I have a new routine that seems to be helping my face, but unfortunately I still suffer from adult acne and blackheads. Not a glamorous thing to admit, but it happens. Anyway, it's nothing special and I don't use any specific kinds of products. (I've never been much of a brand person.) I make sure to wash my face every morning and to use exfoliating scrub every night. I use toner and micellar water, interchangeably. A little acne spot treatment where needed. Every other night, I swap between night cream and a glycolic peel. Every now and then, I might use one of those rotating scrub brushes or maybe a clay mask. It sounds like a bit much but it's actually not that hard to keep up with.

I've also been trying to be more active. My key focus is to walk the recommended 10,000 steps everyday to be considered active. I usually manage to hit this goal most weekdays, but weekends are my down time, so I strive for 2500 steps. No real reason why, just something to get me moving. In the past, some days I don't even break 1000, so this was at least an improvement. Eventually I'd like to exercise more regularly but I'm not there yet. Im not a fan of gyms but enjoy workout classes. I don't mind doing workout DVDs at home but find that I don't always have the self-discipline needed to stick to them. I'll figure something out for myself, but for now, the walking is a huge win for me. I've gotten back to my pre-pregnancy weight and maintained it. My legs are much more muscular and stronger than they were. I'm not going to scoff at any of that.

My real down fall is my diet. I LOVE food!!! So sometimes I let myself indulge a bit much and I don't use much self-control. I don't mind eating healthy, but I have a hard time sustaining that habit. I'm trying to get myself to follow a simple 80/20 rule -- 80% of the week, I will try to eat as well as I can, and then I will allow 20% of wiggle room for the delicious-but-not-so-good-for-you food. I haven't succeeded yet but if I can pick back up the habit of tracking calories, I will probably have a better shot.

Anyway... this isn't very compelling stuff, but I hope that now I'm 31 years old, I'm going to attempt to take things a step further. Now that I have an active toddle to chase around, I really want to be as healthy as I can be for her and for myself.

Quote by my awesome friend LO. She is beautiful, smart, talented, and an all-around badass. She welcomed me into the "Mommy's Club" with open arms, even though we're separated by over 1,000 miles. She is a top-notch feminist. She makes me laugh like hell. She is pretty damn great. So, LO, if you're reading this, this is my love letter to you. Don't let it get to your head, though. I need one of us to stay grounded. 😎

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