2016 Goals

I'm typically not a fan of New Year's resolutions. I think there is a certain stigma to them that inevitably causes people to fail. However, with this blog starting up, I knew that I would need goals to refer back to and help remind me what I wanted to document and achieve in my posts. I also wanted my goals to tie back to my one-word themes so that I could commit to my blog as much as possible. Some of the goals may or may not be tips and tricks I further gleamed from Gretchen and her sister. Here they are!
  • One sentence journal : When I can't put up a real post, then at the least I want to check-in with one sentence to remind me of even the smallest or simplest part of my day. This might not happen everyday, but I hope it happens more often than not. #onesentence2016
  • One photo-a-day project : This one is going to be more of a challenge. I don't think taking a picture everyday will be a problem, but posting it will take more diligence. I hope to capture snippets of my typical everyday life, but not just any old picture. I want pictures of something that brings me a sense of joy or wonder or even sadness or pain. (Instagram tag #kgphotos2016)
  • Second Sundays : I have this strong urge to make a standing "date" with my friends. I haven't decided how this one will play out but I'm thinking if I can pull off a phone call, lunch, dinner, or some kind of catch-up session with at least one friend on the second Sunday of every month, then I will consider myself successful.
  • Book club : I'm going to limit myself to mainly reading the books chosen for the Eclectic Readers book club (ok, maybe a handful of my own personal picks too), and I'm going to make a concerted effort to make it to the group discussions. This might be the one goal I'm most excited about. 
  • Baby G moments : I want to be better about posting little moments that happen with our daughter. We don't always capture them in a picture or a video and our memories are not reliable enough to recall these passing events. I'd like to post them here so I can come back and remember the precious times that go by too quickly.
  • 10,000 steps per day : This is nothing new but I'm recommitting myself to try and walk 10,000 steps everyday toward leading a healthier life.
The goals on this page will continue to grow... or change... or go away!

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