Tuesday, April 12, 2016

LYLAS, KIT*, Or How I'm Simplifying My Social Calendar

One of my broad goals for the year was to spend more time with my friends and loved ones. I tried to make it more specific by setting aside the second Sunday of every month to do something with my peeps. So how is that going?


I did great in January, back when my initial ambition and eagerness were in full force. The second Sunday in February ended up being my birthday but I saw friends at other times in the month. I didn't plan anything in March but I did see a few friends and family members during the month.

This month (that'd be April) I didn't do anything (again) on the second Sunday but I did go out to dinner with a few friends on the second Saturday... which totally counts to me!

It was a small group of us, but it was a great time catching up with everyone. It turns out that I really enjoy smaller gatherings and a big part of that is probably due to my introversion. Say what you will about the definition and traits of an introvert but these things are true of me: I am more engaged and animated in smaller groups or one-on-one interactions, and I do not enjoy being over-stimulated such as being in large crowds or at big parties or hopping around to multiple locales.

This dinner was perfect for how I do best in social settings. Four people (including me), sitting down to eat, lots of conversation and laughter. The most stressful parts of the evening for me were probably figuring out how I'd get to the restaurant (cab) and standing in the crowd of people waiting to be seated. That's not too bad on the grand scale of stress.

I'm probably going to have to figure out how to manage my social calendar (and my goal) a little differently for the rest of the year. I'm not a fan of planning a big group thing, and it can get hectic trying to juggle everyone's RSVPs or food preferences or whatever else comes up. As much as I love seeing my friends, sometimes the hassle to plan is more than I can take, and it seems easier to just ditch the whole idea and stay home in my pajamas.

Luckily, I have some awesome people in my life who will drag me out of my home and get me out and about. There are dinner plans already in the works for May, and I'll be trying to get some one-on-one time with a few other people. It sucks that I can't see everyone or make it work to get a big group together all the time, but it's ok in the long run. I feel much more comfortable when I can give my attention to a few people at a time, and it gives me a better sense of reconnecting with those people who made time for me too.

Having said that, if any of my friends want to see me, let me know! You know how to reach me. :)

*For the uninitiated of acronyms from bygone youth: LYLAS = Love You Like A Sister; KIT = Keep In Touch

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