Sunday, January 17, 2016

Writing the next chapter of life

Our family is undergoing a bittersweet life change right now. Our nanny of the past year just finished her time with us and our daughter will be starting daycare soon. With this transition period comes a lot of conflicting emotions. We're grateful for the love and care our wonderful nanny provided our daughter, and we're nervous about the change to our daughter's routine that will come with daycare. We can't believe how the time has gone by so quick and yet it felt like a huge period in our lives.

So you may wonder, how does this all factor into my words for the year? Well, thanks for asking.

One big bonus that will come from having our daughter in a daycare is that we will be able to reclaim our house (well, to an extent). There is a certain level of underlying and ongoing energy that exists when you have a nanny come every weekday. You never really get to let your house settle. You don't get to put things away just where you want them. Objects never find a home. There is a kind of life you want your nanny to be able to provide your child, and convenience plays a big part of how you manage your house. It doesn't die down after the nanny leaves for the day. Weekends don't bring any order that you might crave. It feels like life is on simmer and you just want to turn the stove off.

(Note: by no means was our nanny messy, but when she had to use the same stuff everyday, it was easier to leave things out than put it away and make her find it all every time.)

So I'm taking this opportunity to use this transition period to get the house back in order. Obviously, simplifying will play a huge part in that. There's lots of baby items that are no longer used or no longer useful. I'll be looking through these things and figuring out what I can sell or donate or need to trash. I'll also be looking into getting rid of our own things too. We have held onto some items for too long and I can't help but think "if I were moving tomorrow, would I pack this?" when I look at some of these items. It is time to clear this stuff out!

I'm so ready for this chance to clear the clutter, to organize our possessions, and to put our home back in order. I have always felt a real sense of relief and calm when my physical surroundings are tidy and clean and pretty. No matter how hard we tried to keep up with the chores, it wasn't enough, at least not as long as we had the nanny come everyday to watch our daughter. Now is my chance to get back into my domestic goddess mode and reclaim my home.

Simplify, simplify, simplify!

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