Sunday, December 20, 2015


(You have to read the post title like you're playing the game "Mortal Kombat" and the voiceover yells "FINISH HIM/HER!")

Even though #simplify2016 isn't officially underway, I've been trying to live according to this new theme to get into some better habits. Well, one of my overarching goals with #simplify2016 is to purge things I don't use. I've been trying to sell or give away or donate items that I realize we've had around the house for far too long but aren't being utilized.

One newer angle of this theme that I've always done but am only now becoming more aware of is the  goal of finishing items and products I've started using. The thing is, most of my purging has been centered around things I've never used or used less than a handful of times. The idea of finishing things is more related to stuff I've opened and used partway and then abandoned.

For example, how many of us buy new bottles of lotions or other skincare types of products, try them out, and then fall out of love with them? Maybe we don't like the scents anymore, or maybe we were gifted something and feel guilty and use that instead, or maybe we were just on a sales kick and overdid it at the store. Whatever the reason, I know I personally have an assortment of bath and beauty products that need to be finished, none of which I have a very good reason for throwing away. I don't dislike any of them. I just stopped using them. Who knows why?

Nothing feels as satisfying for me than when I get down to the last bit of ink in a pen or the last drop of mouthwash or whatever it is that I've just finished. It sounds odd, but I get a personal thrill and sense of accomplishment when I don't waste something and use it all up.

I'm challenging myself to finish products I've already bought and make sure not to buy more until absolutely necessary. We're almost out of toothpaste, and knowing that it's almost done makes me happy. Now, normally I'd go buy 2 or 3 more tubes to make sure we're all set for awhile. Well, except I also have about 6 travel size tubes and no trips planned anytime soon. So the new idea will be to use all of those tiny tubes of paste before I go out and buy more of the normal sized ones. Maybe that's excessive, but you know...

Waste not, want not.

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